9 Jun 2020

Starting Tuesday, June 2 at 11:30am ET, The 11 Minute Huddle will be a brief weekly GoToWebinar meeting that will provide information about a specific impactful topic.  Each week, a strategy, tactic or idea will be introduced. At the end, the attendees will be given an actionable step or question which they can ponder and use during the days that follow.

At the beginning of each session, Ski will get feedback from a few people who took action on the idea from the previous week which will reinforce what was previously learned.

The objective is to help the attendees become stronger leaders and have an impact on those they lead and interact with, especially in this time of dramatic change.

Some of the topics include:

  • Understanding the Change Curve and how to use it to your advantage (Embracing Change)
  • The differences between leading and managing change (and why that’s important)
  • 4 universal vital needs followers want from their leaders
  • The foundation for effective leadership
  • Managing process change to ensure desired results
  • Competencies needed to reduce resistance to change (Reducing Employee Resistance)

The 11 Minute Leader Huddle is intended for: broker owners, company executives, middle managers or individuals who want to learn to better lead themselves. 


Date Tue, Jun 9 2020 12:00 am GMT-6 (America/Boise)
Event Time Zone MDT

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